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Es Cendol



Cendol is a traditional Indonesia drinks made from rice flour, served with shredded ice and liquid brown sugar and coconut milk. This drink tastes sweet and savory. In the area of Sunda, the drink is known as cendol while in Central Java known as es dawet. Growing popular belief in Indonesia society that the term “cendol probably comes from the word jendol, which is found in Sundanese, Javanese, and Indonesia; This refers to the sensations perceived when the grain jendolan cendol through the mouth when drinking ice cendol.
Rice flour mixed with green dye is given and printed through a sieve, so that special-shaped buliran. The dye used was originally a natural dye from pandan leaves, but the date has been used artificial food coloring. In Sundanese, cendol is made by way of sifting the steamer rice flour colored with leaf suji with sieve so obtained a oval rounded form taper at one end. In Sundanese, drinking cendol is called ‘ nyendol ‘.
The drink is usually served as a dessert or as food for distraction. According to presented disiang days.
50 g flour sago
100 grams of rice flour
100 ml water suji
200 ml water
100 grams of jackfruit ripe, diced 1 cm
200 ml thick coconut milk cooked
• 2 sheets of pandan leaves, conclude
½ tsp salt
150 g brown sugar comb
100 ml water
500 grams shaved ice
How to make a
1. mix the rice flour, flour water sago, suji, and water into one. Cook while stirring mix until a thick pulp.
2. prepare a medium-size Bowl fill with cold water, strain the pulp sieve the flour with dough cendol. Let it fall into the basin and cendol form freezes.
3. boil coconut milk, salt, and pandan leaves to boil up.
4. boil the brown sugar with 100 ml water until dissolved and thickens. Lift.
5. Presentation: put and stacking solution of sugar, cendol, jackfruit, coconut milk and shaved ice. Serve immediately.

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