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Es Teh



Iced tea or Iced Tea is tea in the refrigerator with the ice cubes, iced tea is often added to taste like jasmine, and fruits such as Cherry, lemon and milk, or arbei. Iced tea is a drink that is often drunk during the day because of the heat, temperatures in warteg, iced tea is often drunk than cold water. Teh tarik is an example of iced tea.
As for the ingredients:
1.6 teabag.
2.1/8 teaspoon baking soda.
3.2 cups of boiling water.
4.1 1/22 cups sugar.
5.6 cups ice cubes.
Here’s How:
1. take the large glasses, place the tea bags and add baking soda.
2. Pour into a large glass of water to a boil on top of the tea bag.
3. Glass Lid and let stand for 15 minutes.
4. remove the tea bag and do not ditekan-tekan.
5. pour the mixture into the pot of tea 2 quarts, add sugar.
6. stir until sugar is dissolved.
7. Add cold water into the teapot.
8. let cool, chill in refrigerator and serve with ice cubes.

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